Modern people have a lot of opportunities compared to what they had just a few years back. Freelance is one of them. More and more professionals are going online because there are myriad online job opportunities. Moms are no exception here.

These days, you do not have to choose between your family and career. That’s a great relief because many modern mothers would love to keep on working and take care of their children at the same time. Another benefit is that they do not have to spend a lot on babysitters. In short, freelancing makes it possible to work remotely and be a good mom. However, many mothers have doubts regarding freelancing because they have to combine two full-time jobs.

In this article, you can find a few tips on how you can build your career without losing the joy of being a wonderful mom.

Use Rational Time Management

Time management is crucial because it is barely possible to do all the tasks in one go. You need some time for your work without being distracted. Therefore, you should decide which part of the day is the most suitable for your remote work. For example, you can wake up early and perform a few tasks while your children are sleeping. Thanks to this, you will be able to focus on your work and be more effective because there is no one to interfere with your business. Other obligations can be done throughout the day, as it is crucial to work in silence.

Take a Relevant Scope of Work 

It is challenging to keep a balance between work from home and motherhood. If you are overloaded with tasks, it will be barely possible to do them effectively. Consequently, you should never overestimate your capabilities and make up a schedule, which will be perfect for both your family and your own needs.

The thing is that remote work is always connected with deadlines, and you should follow them. It implies that you need to estimate how much time is required to perform a certain task, and then you will be able to see whether it is possible or not to take more.

We also recommend you plan every minute of your day and stick to this schedule. In this case, you are not going to be overloaded with extra work and will be able to take care of your children.

Use Parenting Help (in the First Instance)

Being a freelancer, you will have to deal with complex projects and tight schedules. Every time working moms face this issue, they have to multitask, which is good for no one, including customers and kids. Thus, the possible solution is to ask for some help from your family members, partner, or friends. There is no need to be upset and give up if your relatives live far away from you. 

You can always hire a babysitter. It can be a temporary extra pair of hands that will allow you to manage a crazy workload and meet deadlines without leaving your child alone. To save money, it can be a part-time job as well, so you will have 4-6 hours for the most important activities that require your attention and concentration. Then, you will be working on the tasks of minor importance in the evening while entertaining your kid with cartoons or educational toys.

Make Working Notes

As mentioned before, you will have to deal with a lot of tasks, which means that some things might be forgotten. The solution is to create a to-do list. Thus, you will not get lost in the numerous obligations and responsibilities you have to deal with every day.

Consider that you should not combine your personal and job-related obligations in this list. This way, it will be easier for you to handle everything and focus on the necessary tasks. Also, you should make notes and concentrate on the most important things first.

Use Apps to Manage Processes

Your remote work can be organized in a more convenient way thanks to modern technology. These days, you can find a wide variety of mobile apps that will help you make your to-do list or working notes, stay in touch with your clients, or search for new customers. For example, you can be outside with your child and perform some work-related things while your kid is on the playground. Mobile applications can significantly simplify work processes for freelance mothers, so you should choose the ones that meet most of your needs.

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